علی محمد حسام فر Ali Mohammad Hesamfar

Ali M. Hesamfar's personal website

َAbout Me

I was born in Shiraz that we Shirazian believe is most beautiful City around the world. accepted into the Faculty of Law in Shiraz Azad University in 2000 and graduated in 2004.The title of my thesis was “a comparative study of copyright in Iran and the other countries.”
During the early days of my university my friends and I formed a theater group called Porchista. This group is still going and produces artistic works annually. After one year I entered Fars Radio Organization and have worked in this station until now as an announcer, producer and writer.

I am an Endeavour Executive Award Winner. This award helped me to visit a fellowship, at University of Wollongong in Australia, between April to September 2011 in radio journalism and drama. Also I sat on studio production at A.B.C Sydney with their producers to learn more. My supervisor in this fellowship was “Dr. Siobhan McHugh” who is an international radio producer and Winner of some international award, included Golden medal of New York Festival. I have also sat with acclaimed drama producer Jane Ulman. And pass some classes with Dr. Catherine Farger who is writing and announcing for Australian radio, television stations

Now I’m studying “International law” at Shiraz Azad university

:My papers

I have published some articles on Iranian websites, about relation between media and policy. Also “lessons learned from Arab Spring” that explain and discuss about Arab media reaction against people movements in these countries, published on UoW’s official website.
In addition, On June 1 2011, I participated in a seminar at the Faculty of Creative Arts of UoW, entitled Media and Democracy: from Afghanistan to the Arab Spring.

:Qualification Certificate

Radio drama production, Jun. /Jul. 2010
Digital radio, a multimedia radio, May 2011
Radio Drama, May 2011
all presented by I.R.I.B education center.-

:My experiences in radio

Produce some short historical documentary program about iran revolution-

Play in  more than 3000 minutes radio drama-

Write many radio dramas,  for example:  “an abounded Bird Without wings”, ” toothache”, “ The sergeant”, ‘ The Last letter” and-

Announcing in morning programs, talk shows and radio Magazines for ten years-

:My theaters

Everything for the future (2001)(By: M.Nazeri):Actor

Birds are coming… (۲۰۰۲)(By: M.Akbarnejad):Actor

a woman In the mountains of Kabul, who…(2003)(By: M.Akbarnejad):Actor

Kalagh Par(2003):writer ,Actor

The Man Outside (۲۰۰۳)(By: Wolfgang Borchert):Actor

Tango of five for Freedom (۲۰۰۴): Writer, Actor

I wanted to kiss you… (۲۰۰۵)(By: M.Akbarnejad):Actor

The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey (۲۰۰۶)(writed By:Sławomir Mrożek, directed by: Mandana mobasheri):Actor

I kiss you With this bloody lips (۲۰۰۸)(By: M.Akbarnejad)

Pastomerina(2008)(By: M.shams):Actor

Symphony on the hot volcano (۲۰۰۸)(radio drama): Effector

What I wanted to know about “Danton”, but was afraid to ask the “Joan of Arc”(2009) (By: M.Akbarnejad): Actor

nightmare when cappuccino is finishedby : Milad Akbarnejad ,Shiraz and Tehran,2013″

  Dance in Darkness by Ali Nikoumanesh ,Shiraz,2014


…Best Actor, Fars festival theater 2003: In the mountains of Kabul, a woman is

Best play, spring of theater of Shiraz 2004: Tango of five for Freedom

Appreciated play in first ”Nevisa” Festival of I.R.I.B, Fars center:  Kalagh Par

Endeavour Executive Award 2011- By Australian Government- : collection of activities

Accepted in the festivals:

International Fajr festival,  Tehran, 2008:I kiss you With this bloody lips

International Fajr festival,Tehran2008:Symphony on the hot volcano(radio drama)

International Fajr festival, Tehran2011: “Baptist”, “SAHEL”, and  “a spark in a gunpowder warehouse”(radio drama)

International Fajr festival, Tehran 2012, “traveler” (radio drama)

International Fajr festival, Tehran, 2013, “nightmare when cappuccino is finished”

International Fajr festival, Tehran, 2015, “Arash” (radio drama)